Claire recently published an editorial in the Harvard Public Health Journal in the context of the #Me Too and #Times Up campaigns, calling for greater use of routine enquiry by health care practitioners about experiences of trauma and abuse. She concluded "Sexual harassment and violence are everyone's business, starting with prevention through education to change attitudes from infancy to promote prosocial behaviors, tackle misogynistic attitudes and encourage children to report abuse".
See for the full Paper.
Recent and current projects include:
an evaluation of five interventions to preventing violence in West Yorkshire.
evaluation of interventions for perpetrators of domestic abuse
producing guidance highlighting the role that health care practitioners play in reducing parental conflict.
a cost-benefit analysis of the Child House for children and young people affected by child sexual abuse and exploitation.
an options appraisal of the long-term financial sustainability of an intervention for children and young people who have been sexually abused.
production of a Toolkit on the establishment of a 'Child House' for sexually-abused children - see
a report into the long term future of the mental health workforce.
an options appraisal into three projects on violence against women & girls in London.
dissemination of evidence on the impact of interparental conflict on children.